Wednesday, January 27, 2010
This is February weather in Detroit, Mi., when the snow was two feet deep, crusted on top with an icy glaze, and walking home from Southeastern High School in 1939, with books piled up to our chin and feet and legs disappearing in the snow, almost tipping us over as we clumsily made our way home. Strangely, the sun was shining.
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dear Miss Blue,
Since wearing the Liberian scarf, Schubert has become infatuated with all things Liberian! He has insisted on reading the many adventures of Life in Liberia with such untiring interest, hardly wanting anyone to interfere with his new found past-time. He is not at all interested in the local papers; just the far away, exciting places that he can dream about. That seems to be Schubert's way.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Dear Pearl,
You are so bold, my dear, about the icy conditions. I'm afraid Melba's ice skating accident has made us less so. She has broken her ankle and is confined to the house where she makes life miserable for the rest of us. Louise runs back and forth fluffing pillows and bringing creamed spinach to the invalid. Linguini is sent hither and yon for dimestore novels and smelling salts. Even little Fanny is kept busy demonstrating origami frog folding over and over again to her most uncooperative mama. Melba is not an easy patient. I may come to visit you at the diner if you'd have me. Please say yes!
You are so bold, my dear, about the icy conditions. I'm afraid Melba's ice skating accident has made us less so. She has broken her ankle and is confined to the house where she makes life miserable for the rest of us. Louise runs back and forth fluffing pillows and bringing creamed spinach to the invalid. Linguini is sent hither and yon for dimestore novels and smelling salts. Even little Fanny is kept busy demonstrating origami frog folding over and over again to her most uncooperative mama. Melba is not an easy patient. I may come to visit you at the diner if you'd have me. Please say yes!
I Remain As Always,
Your Devoted Miss Blue

On the Road with Pearl
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

He is such a good sport! Showing off again! Did you know that Golden Retrievers love working with Construction Crews here in Minneapolis fetching and carrying roofing tiles in their mouths (of course, in their mouths)? Anyway Schubert is hoping this experience - eating the hard, cold, ice - will prepare him for the first job that comes his way; so I am encouraging all of this, Miss Blue. He waits for your approval.
Warmly, (in this instance, so appropriate) Proudly,