Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dear Pearl,

The Gator Ball was a wonderful success!  Melba danced so energetically that her heel broke and she had to finish the evening in a pair of Mrs Highbottom's orthopedic slippers. The Kingfish and I, accustomed to dainty portions most evenings, ate too much and lay sprawled across the chaise lounge with the best view of the dance floor.  Fannie was the star of the show - she won the prize for best costume and proudly wore it - the gator costume - for the rest of the evening - through story time, bath time, and even to bed!

I Remain, Your Devoted Miss Blue

Dear Miss Blue,

Up Here in my own Macy's Day PARADE, they call me back each and every year, and I am always willing to sit inside the balloon; the children scream and clap when they watch how I guide my very long alligator body slithering forth, with pointed dangerous white teeth among the gentle puppets, never to scare Snoopy, of course.  The winds have ordered the puppets to travel not so high, now everyone can be closer to me; it is frightening for the children; that is, a certain brush with the Gator.  I am hoping to take up making puppets in my spare time just for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade; Giant Bowls of vegetable hot soup with steam filling the skies overhead; warming the hearts with memories of soup and hot chocolate in a Santa Cup with snowy white fluffy marshmallows floating in a friendly way on top.  Can't you just see it, Miss Blue?  I think Macy's will be happy to see my Puppets in their Parade. 

Well, I must say goodbye for today.