Garlic all the way from China?
No. You are quite right to find that ridiculous, Pearl. I'm afraid the Chinese are being quite misled into thinking they are indispensable to those of us here in America. There's toothpaste. And toys. And ever so much clothing. And fragrances. And computers. And televisions and stereos and microwaves irons and toasters and nail clippers and rubber gloves and couches and, well, just everything seems to be made in China these days. And I have it on the very best authority that we are not paying full price for most of it! Grrrrr!As if we needed charity! As if we were not the richest country on earth! It positively makes my blue blood boil, Pearl. I feel you and I should lodge a ladylike complaint immediately! Perhaps I'll just have my crumpet untoasted tomorrow.
Yes. That's exactly what I'll do. You?
Your Devoted Miss Blue

Yes. That's exactly what I'll do. You?
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