Dear Miss Blue,
Please inform Elsie Lavender that her story of the stowaway cat intrigues me. You see, Miss Blue, for the past several weeks - almost a month I would say - the Hunter Cat has been missing from his usual haunts here in the three backyards in the Village. At first I thought he had come down with the sickness brought on by the decaying leaves; some of the little creatures here and about are also sickly and have to be picked up and thrown in the garbage. Sad story I will admit.
Please inform Elsie Lavender that her story of the stowaway cat intrigues me. You see, Miss Blue, for the past several weeks - almost a month I would say - the Hunter Cat has been missing from his usual haunts here in the three backyards in the Village. At first I thought he had come down with the sickness brought on by the decaying leaves; some of the little creatures here and about are also sickly and have to be picked up and thrown in the garbage. Sad story I will admit.

But then, back to Hunter; no one has seen hide nor hair of him. He, so majestic in his white and black coat, sometimes strutting about as if to proclaim some sort of royalty and other times, stretching his body to twice its size as he carefully prepares to pounce on his unsuspecting prey - bird, mouse, chipmunk, rabbit - but that is his mightiness, Miss Blue. The wanderlust could have caught up with Hunter Cat; all the way to Scandinavia is not at all outrageous for a cat like Hunter.
I cannot piece it all together; yet, I am confident that the stowaway cat is our very own Hunter Cat! His stories must be mesmerizing to hear and even the eruptive use of profanity must give a solid lift to the stories he tells. I do believe that he will be home by Thanksgiving Day. I will save the gizzard and liver from my twenty-five pound turkey for him, as I usually do. In the meanwhile I will post flyers around the Village of Hunter's remarkable adventure!
Please write again soon especially if you have further posts from Elsie Lavender and the Scandinavian cruise.
With love, Pearl
I cannot piece it all together; yet, I am confident that the stowaway cat is our very own Hunter Cat! His stories must be mesmerizing to hear and even the eruptive use of profanity must give a solid lift to the stories he tells. I do believe that he will be home by Thanksgiving Day. I will save the gizzard and liver from my twenty-five pound turkey for him, as I usually do. In the meanwhile I will post flyers around the Village of Hunter's remarkable adventure!
Please write again soon especially if you have further posts from Elsie Lavender and the Scandinavian cruise.
With love, Pearl
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