Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Dear Pearl,
I did not claim first prize at the Lohengrin competition, Pearl.  That silly high C when the Mad Hatter is throwing the cups at Alice?  It came out sounding squeaky.  I knew at the time, too, and just forced myself to get through the rest of the performance.  The judges did mention that I had very good posture and that they liked my earrings so I felt they did appreciate my being there. . .
The party the next night was completely wonderful!  The decorations were lavish - champagne bubbles and streamers galore.  I danced with Boris, a smooth talking impresario from Stuttgart who worked his way through music school working at the brewery that Frieda started. When he realized we were practically family, he offered to sell me the very same cough drops that Caruso uses to keep his vocal cords slippery!  
I Remain as Always, Your Devoted Miss Blue