Sunday, September 2, 2007

Pearl, of course! Eliminate them altogether! Brilliant!  My work with the Solitary and Introverted Norwegians Society (SINS) has predisposed me to favor fewer holidays and less small talk in general. As SINNERS we prefer telepathy over other sorts of communication. Our foreheads are high as a rule to facilitate the sending an
d receiving of our quiet messages. The layman may imagine a network of satellite dishes to understand how it is with us at our annual meetings in the Winter Palace.

Pearl, is there anything to worry about with all this talk of early primaries preceding the election next year? I'm concerned that we seem, as a nation, to be moving in the direction of butting into line. I certainly was not brought up to think that was acceptable behavior. Nor were you, dear blue blooded Pearl. Patience is still a virtue in my book and I shall continue to wait quietly whenever and wherever I see a line forming.

(What is your thought about the best way to proceed with our calendar project?)

Your Devoted Miss Blue