More of Pearl's Story

Not all of the days were spent fishing;
That the chimney shook and
The peacock shutters banged and fretted
Until the brothers had to tie them back with
The net string they kept for repairing their fishing nets.
The net string they kept for repairing their fishing nets.
It was a very strong string,
Made to keep the tossing and flipping fish
From falling out of the net.
Morning, afternoon and then evening
And still the winds blew
And the waves slashed onto the shore
As if to settle affairs with the fishermen.
The stove had a good supply of wood
And so the brothers knew it was a good time
To cook fish and bake biscuits and
Watch the skies until they became dark.
The baby goat lay curled up on its straw mat;
And the brothers lit their pipes
And rocked back and forth
In their large wooden rockers
Until it was late enough to go to bed.
And that is what they did,
While the house
And the winds
And the winds
And the baby goat

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