You'll never guess, Dear, so I'll just have to blurt it out: Louise and Linguini have tied the knot! Isn't that perfectly wonderful? The two of them, finding love in their well, past their primes, I'm quite sure. . .I have lent them Franco for a honeymoon trip to the seashore. I'm afraid with all three of them gone for a week I shall be quite helpless. Fanny says she knows how to make s'mores and bumps on a log. And I suppose taking a cab to whereever I need to go is not the worst thing in the world. But answering my own door? I should say not! A lady does not come when she hears a bell. In this respect she is unlike a dog. With respect to a certain preoccupation with breeding and pedigree, however, there may be some similarities.
Do let me know how you are doing, Pearl, and if your medical trials are easing. Oh I do hope they are and that you will be able to come for a visit when Louise returns.
I Remain As Always, Your Devoted Miss Blue
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