A carrion crow sat on an oak
With a ling long lilly dong kai row may
And he called for a tailor to make him a cloak
With a ling long lilly dong kai row may
Hey, falero, gil fin-a-garo
Hey, falero, gil fin-a-gay
Up jumped John, he's a ringing on his bell
With a ling long lilly dong kai row may
Wife, oh wife, hand me my bow
That I might shoot yon carrion crow
The tailor shot and he missed his mark
He shot his own sow bang straight through the heart
Wife, oh wife, bring me brandy on a spoon
The old sow's fallen down in a swoon
Oh, said his wife, You're a silly old louse
You've killed the old sow and you don't care a mouse
Oh, said the tailor, I care not a mouse
We'll have black pudding, chitterlings, and souse
The old sow died and they threw her in a hole
The little pigs squealed for their mother's soul
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