The haven for Frederick Crow, Bernard Squirrel, and their offspring, you can imagine how astonished I was to find the woodsman up in the Silver Maple, the tree that speaks of all things sacred, answering to the four seasons with displays of spring buds and brand new leaves, then all summer long shading the garden with silver backed, pointed green leaves, with autumn's last warm days and leaves, turning slightly red and brown, leaving bare boughs to hold the snows of winter.
Taking my pictures, there on the porch, the woodsman waved to me and told me he was Just Trimming, and patting the bough he was on, called to me, "This is a Fine Tree, very healthy."
And just today the squirrels are chasing one another, jumps you just wouldn't believe, stretching out their legs to land on the farthest branch, and a few crows testing their voices with loud caws.
Love, Pearl with Camera
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