Dear Pearl,
Fanny is finally herself again! But it has been a most trying week juggling the various phobias of the sick child and the hovering but generally useless Melba. She missed three lessons with the new golf pro and was faint with hysteria by the time the doctor finally managed to fit us in to his hectic schedule. Fanny, he thought, would get better with plenty of rest and all the Brownie oranges she could eat. But he left an elixir for Melba. To calm her nerves and improve her golf stroke, he said. She has been fiendishly faithful about dosing herself at regular intervals. And she has a tee time at noon today which she anticipates with a disturbingly coy delight. (Oh Pearl, I do hope this is not the beginning of more drama for our glamorous friend!)

I Remain, As Always, Your Devoted Miss Blue
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