Friday, November 16, 2007

Dear Pearl,

Goodness! I had no idea you were a saint, Pearl. That must have happened when I was busy elsewhere. At any rate, I am not surprised to hear it at all. You are always so sympathetic and quick to lend a hand. Say, are you able to perform miracles? If so, I have a small list of things you could help me with. Louise and her very bad temper, for example. If there is a spell or a prayer you know to cheer her up in a permanent manner, I would appreciate your deploying it!

In the meantime, Fanny and I are entertaining the dearest young man from Italy. If only he'd learn to loosen up a bit. At times he seems quite wooden! Perhaps it is his European manner. Europeans are rather aloof, you know. Likely because they've had so many wars and skirmishes over the centuries. And mad kings from time to time. And different foods they've had to get used to - snails in France, soured beef in Germany, blood pudding in England. Why, great, great, great, grandmother Elsa Lavender gladly endured the ocean voyage to New York just to never have to eat another piece of cod soaked in lye.  Good Grief! How did some confused housewife ever get that started?

Your (most reverently) Devoted Miss Blue