The activity here in the backyard has surprised everyone. Now the crows seem to have disappeared and the squirrels are celebrating in numbers never before seen. I counted at least fifteen or more squirrels leaping, falling, chasing one another in and out of the thickly leafed silver maple and on to the tall pine, then on to the oak tree! Crazy, never ending movement with occasional stops at the bird feeder and bird bath. Do you suppose, Miss Blue, that in our nearby woods there is a community of feral cats holding forth, carousing and supping on crow meat? I truly support Melba's notion, Miss Blue. In addition, I much prefer the shenanigans of the squirrels. It is pure theater. At times my music supplies the choreography for squirrels; tree branches moving gracefully and squirrels dancing inside the cover of the leaves. Well, Miss Blue, can crows do that? There is no end to the concern I have for the betterment of the world, and I shall continue my efforts.
Love, Your Faithful Pearl
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