Thoughtful as always, that is you, Miss Blue, and I was happy to welcome Linguini as he stepped from the plane at LaGuardia. Looking fit as a fiddle, so ready for a party and I, knowing the heart and soul of the Italians, suggested our supping at a favorite little coffee shop in the very heart of Brooklyn, explaining, when he seemed to sulk at the ordinariness of the idea, that I had spent exciting times there among the artists and other types of artsy folk. And so we hailed a taxi, he clutching the Palmers Baby Ruth Lotion, while I, unbeknowst to him, had concealed a giant size Baby Ruth bar in my purse.
We sped through the city and over the Brooklyn Bridge in no time at all, the coffee shop I remembered was still there, after all these years. Wine is served at all good coffee shops nowadays, making us relaxed and talkative. The place was crowded with students from the nearby music school, lots of shouting and occasional singing; When the Drinking Song, from the operetta The Student Prince started up, Linguini stood Up, with drink in hand and sang! His voice is much better than I had remembered. and obviously pleasing to the owner of the shop who offered Linguini a job as a singing waiter. Linguini bowed and politely declined. I was relieved!
I pocketed the lotion, and thanked Linguini for bringing it to me. Then I produced the Baby Ruth candy bar. Linguini pointed exitedly to the similar names so I had to confess that I was the true Baby Ruth, which had him, again, excited, as Italians are wont to be; his journey back to Louise and Melba and Fanny, taking on a new aura. I am sure the Baby Ruth candy bar will be the taste of choice, supporting the legacy. Loyal friends are So important, Miss Blue.
Pearl in the Situation
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