Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dear Miss Blue,Yes, it does seem like only yesterday that my meatloaf sandwiches were all the rage (the orphans devoured them every Sunday after church and communion - a treat after their fast of the day before). My cooking skills, questionable, but diner food must be just that. Diner Food(although not mentioned in the famous cookbooks as such) Steamboat Stew and fish sticks with mayonnaise cocktail sauce had to be in their own culinary category, namely, "Almost." Very humble was the Diner.  Pearl's Diner will feature saucers of every type - small with slight rims, large with sloping rims, patterns of flowers and creature of the forests, colors, colors, colors - all to hold the most delightful little morsels of original, never before seen, food....

I am so excited, Miss Blue. I am hoping for a small government grant to help me with some of the initial expenses. My porch and my entire first floor will be outfitted with small tables, and of course, appropriate chairs. A darling display of saucers so that my customers may choose their favorites, and - an additional thought - take their choice home with them (at a small additional cost). Well, dear Miss Blue, that is the story.

And, before I go, how relieved I am that Melba has, as you say, shaken off the Mr. Wonderful doldrums. Her new beau, a dancer? How shocking, I would say. Just a gigolo, dancing and sending out sparks, will suffice for a while but then, hopefully, Melba will see the light.  And so now, I will send this letter along to you, my dearest Miss Blue, hoping we will meet again soon, right here on my doorstep.....
Pearl, planning