Yes, Miss Blue, times have been agonizing these past weeks. Nothing but misery abounding in the news. Frail minds are constantly being tested and worn to a frazzle by it all. St Petersburg can be a burden on the the more delicate senses, wouldn't you say? I, for one, find the least wrinkle in my life upsetting, as when, well, actually, just this very morning, I found that my recipe for Eggplant Caviar was missing from my favorite cookbook. I had a request from one of my neighbors here in the Village to bring it along to a gathering this evening celebrating the use of eggplant rather than fish in caviar. I have been selected to lead the parade, holding the Eggplant aloft, with the recipe made and offered to the many bystanders for their vote, good or bad. And now I am wondering what on earth to do! Eggs are in the news around here, Miss Blue, have you heard? Such a scandal! Any non-egg dish will be welcome on the menu.
Write again when you can, and I will do the same.
Love from Pearl and Schubert
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